Bit Horizon Capital is a renowned international investment company which was incorporated on the 26 of September 2015, located at 150 Minories, Tower, London EC3N 1LS, United Kingdom, United Kingdom with Company Number: 17833900
With our digital investment platform, you invest and enjoy a very flexible ROI never offered elsewhere. We have differentiated strategy to create sustainable value for stakeholders. We actively trade and manage your investment with the aim to generate better-than-market returns.
Our group is active in both providing flexible financing to other investors as well as acquiring mid-size private companies.
Get the answers to your questions about Bit Horizon Capital
Bit Horizon Capital - is unique investment platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use.
Minimum investment amount is $50.
Very Easy! To invest, kindly follow these steps…
1. Select your preferred investment plan
2. You will be redirected to the deposit page, where you will make your investment deposit.
3. After your deposit, kindly fill the complete investment form, to complete your registration process.
4. Wait for the specified time to get your returns. ROI is automatically credited to your wallet and withdrawal is instant.
Our system has a wide variety of features
There are no limit or restrictions, we are accessible world over. Anyone can make money with Bit Horizon Capital, your return on investment is guaranteed and profitable with us.
Your assets are secured with a multi-tier & multi-cluster system architecture. And with our ‘Secure Assets Fund for Users’ guarantee, you can rest assured that your funds are secure with Bit Horizon Capital
Our team members are very experienced in traditional investment and cryptofinance. Unrivalled analytic and research crypto capabilities. Also, 24/7 Support team always online!
The Bit Horizon Capital platform is designed to offer investors a simple way to access the crypto investment market, with our unrivalled experience in the sector of finance and investment.
There are various Investment Plans to choose from. Select your package
Get in touch with us today